Speaking from a biased (Finnish) perspective, I don't think it's much of a conspiracy theory to claim that pro juries consider it their "duty" to keep the too-far-out-there extravagant "non-traditional" entries from winning, and that since media had already made it a horserace between Sweden's traditional Eurovision pop ballad and Finland's non-traditional mishmash and there were heavy indications that Finland would win the popular vote, they were predisposed towards voting Sweden simply for that reason.
Also, it's somewhat odd to refer to streaming numbers etc. when it was so obviously the jury vote that brought Loreen over the top; Käärijä overwhelmingly won the popular votes.
Speaking from a biased (Finnish) perspective, I don't think it's much of a conspiracy theory to claim that pro juries consider it their "duty" to keep the too-far-out-there extravagant "non-traditional" entries from winning, and that since media had already made it a horserace between Sweden's traditional Eurovision pop ballad and Finland's non-traditional mishmash and there were heavy indications that Finland would win the popular vote, they were predisposed towards voting Sweden simply for that reason.
Also, it's somewhat odd to refer to streaming numbers etc. when it was so obviously the jury vote that brought Loreen over the top; Käärijä overwhelmingly won the popular votes.
I just wrote on this topic yesterday: https://alakasa.substack.com/p/eurovision-song-contest-a-9-point